Techniques for penis enlargement treatment are widely sought after and practiced. The techniques to enlarge the penis are most often performed by teenagers, who believe they have had results, however, the enlargement of the penis is due to the normal process of growth and is not necessarily related to the techniques.
In addition, it is important that before performing any technique, the Best Sexologist In Delhi is consulted so that the situation can be evaluated and the performance of some type of treatment can be indicated, such as the use of the hormone testosterone, for example, which can stimulate the penis growth.
Techniques commonly used to increase the size of the penis
Jelqing Exercise
The Jelqing exercise or technique is considered a natural way to enlarge the penis, since it has no contraindications or associated costs, and is based on the fact that it increases blood circulation in the sexual organ, which could lengthen and thicken the penis.
Despite being considered safe, the Jelqing technique has no scientific evidence and, therefore, is not recommended by doctors. In addition, if incorrect, aggressive movements are performed or if exercises are performed too frequently, there may be a pain, irritation, injury, and damage to the tissue of the penis.
Stretching devices
Stretching devices are normally attached to the base of the glans of the penis and are intended to apply pressure to the body of the penis in order to promote its elongation. It is believed that the continuous use of this type of device is capable of promoting penis enlargement during erection.
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So far, there are few studies that indicate the positive effects of stretching devices to enlarge the penis, and, therefore, they are not recommended by sexologists. In addition, the use of this type of device, in addition to being uncomfortable, can create an excessive force on the penis and lead to injuries, nerve damage, and clot formation.
Vacuum pumps
Vacuum pumps are usually indicated by the sexologist in the treatment of erectile dysfunction because they promote an increase in the amount of blood in the penis during erection. Thus, the use of the pump must be done according to the medical recommendation.
In the case of the use of vacuum pumps to enlarge the penis, there is no scientific evidence, in addition to the fact that the effect is temporary, only during erection, not being indicated by the doctor, this is because, in the absence of changes, the frequent use of the vacuum pump can result in damage to the tissues of the penis and lead to erection problems.
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Use of pills
There are currently several pills and creams that are believed to contain vitamins and hormones that help to increase the size of the penis due to the fact that it increases the amount of blood in the penis and promotes a longer-lasting erection.
Use of rings
The idea of using penis rings is due to the increased amount of blood in the body of the penis during erection, which could cause a temporary enlargement effect. However, this technique has no scientific evidence and is also considered dangerous.
Because if the ring is too tight or if it stays on the penis for a long time, it can cut off the blood flow in the region and bring complications to the man.
Penis filling
Penis filling, also known as penile bioplasty, is a recent technique that claims to be effective in increasing the circumference and, in some cases, the length of the penis, requiring the injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin of the penis.
In addition to the risks associated with the procedure, further studies are also needed so that the procedure is standardized and to prove its long-term effects, as well as the time between completion of the filling and the appearance of results.
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Penis Enlargement Surgery
Surgery to increase the size of the penis is the last option that should be considered by the sexologist to increase the penis due to the risks associated with the procedure, such as the increased risk of infection, presence of scars, and deformities that can end up making an erection difficult.
According to the Sexologist Dr. PK Gupta, the changes that can be seen after the surgery are usually related to the aspiration of excess fat at the site, which makes the penis appear larger, but in fact, has the same size.
Thus, surgery to enlarge is not indicated in situations where the man is dissatisfied with the size, since it has many risks and is not considered effective, is only taken into account in the case of micropenis when other penis enlargement treatments were not effective.
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